Stray Casts Outdoor Cartoon Television is the glorified version of a Bass Fishing talk show. Pat Renwick interviews the top Bass fishing professionals and personalities in the Bassin' biz in a way that let's just say is a "little unconventional ". Streaming live Wednesday nights at 7pm Central on our YouTube Channel
Why the name Outdoor Cartoon Television you ask?
Remember that feeling you got as a kid on Saturday mornings? YES NO SCHOOL!
The first thing alot of us did was turn on the TV and watch CARTOONS. As we grew up those cartoons were replaced by OUTDOOR  TELEVISION programs and eventually led to the actual Saturday morning fishing trip. Host Pat Renwick brings that feeling back to you every time Stray Casts Outdoor Cartoon Television is On the Air!

Pat Renwick

Ryan Whitacre

“Into The Great Wide B.A.S.S. Opens” hosted by two Opens warriors, Brad Leuthner, The north country Legend, and Jamie Bruce, host of Canada’s Get The Net podcast. Into the Great Wide Opens will pull back the curtains of what it’s like to compete in bass fishing’s gauntlet, the Bassmaster Opens – covering everything from the struggles of the road to new found glory with no-holds interviews featuring up-and-comers, all-stars, and the old guard. Everyone in the Opens has a story and a dream, and it deserves to be heard. 

Brad Leuthner

Jamie Bruce

“Pedal Pirates” hosted by angling prodigy Nolan Minor explores the extra competitive world of tournament kayak angling. Pedal Pirates sheds some much-deserved light on the folks who are catchin’ bass and cashin’ checks from vessels that go where others can’t.

Nolan Minor

Produced by Andy “The Ginger Ninja” Ellenberger